Required Documents

  • home Required Documents

In accordance with regulatory obligations, Wallexpro is required to adhere to stringent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures. As such, all clients must provide the necessary documentation for verification purposes.

To verify your account, you will be asked to submit copies of the following three essential documents:

1. Proof of identity
2. Proof of residential address
3. Proof of deposit

Please note that Wallexpro reserves the right to request additional documentation if required.

Proof of Identity

To verify your identity, you may provide a copy of your Passport or National Identification Card. Please note that a driver's license will not be accepted.

The following conditions must be met for the document to be accepted:

● The document must be valid.

● The copy must be in color (black and white copies will not be accepted).

● All information on the document must be clear and legible (blurry copies will not be approved).

● The entire document, including all corners and edges, must be visible (cropped documents will not be accepted).

Proof of Residence

To verify your residential address, you will need to provide a copy of a recent utility bill (gas, water, electricity, TV/Internet, landline phone) or a bank statement. The document must not be older than 3 months.

Please note that electronically generated documents (e-bills/e-statements) are not accepted. Only documents that meet the following criteria will be approved:

● They must be delivered directly to your residential address by post, or

● They must be obtained directly from the provider (e.g., a bank statement issued at your local bank branch).


Proof of Deposit

The type of document required as proof of deposit will vary depending on the payment method you choose to fund your trading account.

Credit/Debit Card

If you choose to make a payment via card, you will need to provide a copy of the card used on our website.

Please ensure the following:

● The copy must be in color (black and white copies will not be accepted).

● On the front of the card, you may cover the first 12 digits of the card number. Only the last 4 digits, your name, and the card's expiration date should be visible.

● All corners and edges of the card must be clearly visible (the copy cannot be cropped).

● On the back of the card, the CVV code should be covered. The card must be signed by the cardholder.

● If the card does not have your name printed on the front, you will need to provide an additional document proving ownership of the card (e.g., a copy of your card statement showing your name and the last 4 digits of the card).

Bank Transfer

If you choose to make a deposit via bank transfer, you will need to provide a confirmation of the transfer showing the funds being transferred from your bank account to your WallExpro trading account. This confirmation can either be obtained from your local bank branch or generated directly from your online banking account. The confirmation must include the following details:

● Logo of your bank

● Your name and surname

● Your bank account number

● Beneficiary's bank account number

● Date of the transfer

● Amount and currency of the deposit


If you choose to deposit via an e-wallet (e.g., Neteller), you will need to provide a screenshot of the transaction details. The screenshot should include the following information:

● Logo of the e-wallet provider (e.g., Neteller)

● Your name and surname

● Your email address

● Date of the transfer

● Amount and currency of the deposit